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The Super Purple Bouquet

Purple is the color of dignity, creativity and magic. This lush, Super Purple bouquet is part of our color block series. Want a bigger bouquet? Just order one or three or more and we’ll wrap it together in one super sized bouquet.

Mayflower Shop is located in Dubai and we provide flowers for weddings, private parties, events, corporate functions and weekly flowers for businesses & homes.
If you are looking for other kind of flowers see our Mayflower Market or give us a call.



Purple is the color of dignity, creativity and magic. This lush, Super Purple bouquet is part of our color block series. Want a bigger bouquet? Just order one or three or more and we’ll wrap it together in one super sized bouquet.

Mayflower Shop is located in Dubai and we provide flowers for weddings, private parties, events, corporate functions and weekly flowers for businesses & homes.
If you are looking for other kind of flowers see our Mayflower Market or give us a call.

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Purple is the color of dignity, creativity and magic. This lush, Super Purple bouquet is part of our color block series. Want a bigger bouquet? Just order one or three or more and we’ll wrap it together in one super sized bouquet.

Mayflower Shop is located in Dubai and we provide flowers for weddings, private parties, events, corporate functions and weekly flowers for businesses & homes.
If you are looking for other kind of flowers see our Mayflower Market or give us a call.

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